Full Service Laundry in 
Rosenberg, TX.

The best quality for your laundry services needs

Full-service laundry is a service you can purchase where your clothes are washed, dried, and either folded or hung on hangers. You can drop off laundry any time during our business hours.

Stay connected while you stay cold and fresh at our facilities with free WiFi internet access. Our facilities have air conditioning to keep you comfortable while you are washing and drying your clothes.

Cash Only!



Having a pickup or drop off laundry service is just about as convenient as laundry can get.

Life is busy and hectic enough without having to make an emergency laundromat run after your kid's school uniform came home unwearably dirty. Using professional laundry services means that you can carry on with your day without interruption while your clothes are being professionally cleaned.

Saves Time

It's depressing to think about, but how much time do you think you've spent in a laundromat in your life? Between lugging your clothes there, waiting for open machines, and hanging around to make sure your clothes don't get stolen, it's probably more hours than you want to admit.

What if you could have that time back? What would you do with it?

At US Washateria you will be able to perform your laundry service in less time than usual, leaving you more time to spend with your loved ones.


A lot of people might bounce off of full service laundry expecting that it's too expensive. On the contrary, professional laundry services can be very affordable.

Consider how much money you've spent on gas driving back and forth to the laundromat, how many quarters you've loaded into the machines, and how much you've spent on detergent.


Getting your laundry done by a professional laundry service is surprisingly fast. You'll hardly feel like your clothes even left your house!

For regular laundry services, we will have your clothes back to you in 24 hours. For dry cleaning, your clothes will be returned to you within 48 business hours. You can even pay a small extra fee to have same-day delivery with less than a 24 hour turn around.

This means that even if you have an unexpected event come up where you need that certain jacket, the Hamperapp can help out without demanding anything of your busy schedule.


Have you ever shrunk your favorite sweater, or failed to sort your clothes in a way that resulted in your whole load getting died a different color?

Doing laundry correctly and with the most care for your clothes is not as easy as one might think. Professional laundry services deal with laundry on a full-time basis, so they have developed techniques and wash processes to gently clean your clothes and remove stains.

You've put a lot of thought and money into your clothes and your style. It's worth investing in your clothes with good care so that they can be a part of your wardrobe for as long as possible.

Washing Machines Sizes & Prices


$2.00 DLS


$2.75 DLS


$4.75 DLS


$7.50 DLS


$9.50 DLS

Dryers Prices


25 cents - 6 minutes


25 cents - 5 minutes


25 cents - 4 minutes

Do you have dirty clothes?

Let us do your laundry for you! We wash and dry your clothes.

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  • 1229 Avenue I, Rosenberg, TX 77471, USA

  • (832) 595-0965

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  • Open 7 days a week from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm for Self-Service!

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